“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Â鶹ÊÓƵ Sixth Form Applications Now Open!



Subject Staff

Miss Douglas

Mrs Burgin

Mrs Naish

The PSHE Way

Our subject has a ‘Subject Way’ at the heart of it. Our Subject Way is designed to help students become young subject specialists. The Subject Way has two main purposes:

Firstly, to teach students the vital skills they need to achieve their full potential and gain the very best grades they can. Secondly, to teach students how each subject relates to the wider world, incorporating the life skills they will learn.

It is our belief that knowing how what you learn links to the wider world, brings a subject to life and therefore improves overall understanding and engagement.

Curriculum Intent

At Â鶹ÊÓƵ Partnership Trust, we firmly believe that all students have the right to be healthy, happy and comfortable in all areas of their life. Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is the school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work.

Topics taught through PSHE at WPT include relationships education, sexual health education, emotional wellbeing, substance misuse, careers, citizenship and anti-bullying. All units of work make clear connections to online safety and aim to empower our students to make their own safe choices, both on and offline. The key character traits we seek to develop are; communication and debate, accessing support, respect, assertiveness and responsibility. Equality and inclusion are key to successful PSHE, and are apparent in all we do.Ìý

We have developed a spiral PSHE curriculum which aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to allow them to identify risk and evaluate choices regarding health, relationships and future goals. Our curriculum is informed by pupil, staff and parent voice, which allows us to sequence statutory guidance to meet the needs of our young people. Lessons involve deliberate opportunities for students to apply their understanding to scenarios and reflect on their learning.Ìý

Our work in timetabled PSHE lessons is also complimented by work in the pastoral curriculum, our wider personal development program and some drop down events.

What we teach in the classroom will help our pupils foster lifelong aspirations, goals and values.Ìý

With this in mind, PSHE education isn’t just another school subject. It’s a chance to give every child and young person an equal opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive now and in the future. This includes helping them to deal with critical issues they face every day such as friendships, emotional wellbeing and change. And giving them a solid foundation for whatever challenging opportunities lie ahead, so they can face a world full of uncertainty with hope.

From making informed decisions about alcohol to succeeding in their first job, PSHE education helps pupils prepare for all the opportunities, challenges, life decisions and responsibilities they’ll face. This in turn achieves a ‘virtuous circle’, whereby pupils with better health and wellbeing can achieve better academically, and enjoy greater success.

INTENTION 1 – The removal of barriers to learning

In PSHEÌý we remove barriers to learning and support students’ ability to access the curriculum throughÌý the development of literacy, numeracy, oracy skills and vocabulary acquisition. Misconceptions do not go unchallenged and the supportive environment within each and every lesson ensures that students develop their own literacy and vocabulary.Ìý

Students are given many opportunities to read a range of news sources and research independently. We aim to develop students’ ability to be critical consumers of information, and to apply their knowledge and understanding to written scenarios. Across all year groups, students take part in Money Matters week towards the end of the financial year. This provides opportunities to apply their numeracy skills to topics of economic relevance, such as budgeting, borrowing and interest and the benefits of saving. Within PSHE lessons students may be required to calculate units of alcohol, or sequence developments in the law chronologically.Ìý Deliberate opportunity for students to verbally articulate their understanding features in every PSHE lesson. Students may discuss with a partner, small group or participate in full class debate. Teaching aims to encourage students to extend their verbal communications, expectations in this area are ambitious for all, regardless of written abilities.Ìý Students are introduced to key subject specific vocabulary and have regular opportunities to reinforce their understanding. Key terminology is identified in students notes, and referred back to during written and verbal assessment tasks.Ìý

INTENTION 2 – Developing skills for learning

PSHE lessons foster a high challenge, low fear environment. Aiming high, communication skills and active participation are built into all topics and students are given opportunities to develop in each and every lesson. PSHE lessons provide students with the skills to learn to manage risks and remain positive and resilient. Engaging activities help students develop new knowledge and skills and also to recall the key concepts of prior learning. The spiralling curriculum supports them to apply this to new knowledge. Students will regularly partake in a variety of assessments and in pre-planned well-being surveys. Through these the curriculum can be developed for students needs and additional support and interventions can be provided.

INTENTION 3 – Fostering personal attributes

PSHE lessons rely on the ‘PSHE Way’ to lay the ground rules for respectful and mature conduct. PSHE develops emotional intelligence and compassion in our pupils. Lessons build awareness of the experiences of others and the resulting impact on their lives. This adds depth to students’ understanding of respect and tolerance, as well as their self efficacy and sense of responsibility.Ìý

INTENTION 4 – Enriching student experiences and broadening their horizons

PSHE lessons use resources from leading charities in the area, such as Barnardo’s, CEOPS, teenage cancer trust, mind as well as local police and fire services. This ensures our students have access to the best quality information available. We also provide learning opportunities such as practical first aid sessions, mock trial, visits from those working with named charities and encounters with employers.Ìý

PSHE Curriculum

RSE Curriculum

Puberty and emotions

A baseline assessment of knowledge.

Card sorts exploring physical changes.Ìý

Case studies about how the emotions are affected by puberty, how this may affect relationships and how to manage this.

Mind mapping to explore feelings and emotions.

Opportunity to ask anonymous questions and be provided with support and signposting.

Puberty and physical changes

Baseline to focus on previous learning on physical & emotional changes that happen during puberty for girls.

Activities to help students understand what happens during the menstrual cycle. Research a range of menstrual products and respond to case studies with advice and support.

Describe the physical & emotional changes that happen during puberty for boys.

Work collaboratively to be able to provide helpful advice for boys around the physical changes they will experience. Engage in quizzes and case studies.

Opportunity to ask anonymous questions and be provided with support and signposting.

Healthy/unhealthy relationships

Describe the features of committed, stable, healthy relationships.

Identify healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviours.

Explain appropriate online relationship behaviours.

Students create a class mind-map on healthy relationships.

Gendered expectations talking heads-Students analyse a set of talking heads statements about relationship behaviours based on gender stereotypes.

Relationship qualities-Students review common relationship qualities and respond to key questions.

Healthy/ unhealthy relationship scenarios

Students annotate relationship scenarios and provide advice.Ìý

Endpoint assessment and signposting

Students collate five top tips on identifying and maintaining healthy relationships. Go through sources of support/advice and respond to final questions.

Managing relationships and conflict

Recognise that disagreements in family relationships are common, but that effective communication can improve relationships.

Explain different communication styles and their likely impacts.

Give examples of effective communication.

Baseline assessment Discuss key questions around conflict and communication styles.Ìý

Communication strategies grid-Students read and provide examples of different communication strategies.Ìý

Disagreement scenarios-Each group discusses a scenario and determines how best to respond toÌý

different conflict situations.

Managing conflict storyboard- Students write a storyboard focused on ways to manage a conflict scenario.Ìý

Students peer-assess their work. Recap signposting.

Introduction to consent

Explain what consent means and why it is so important and describe how to recognize when a person is consenting and when they are not.

Explain how consent is given and not given in a healthy relationship and describe what to say and do to seek the consent of another person.

Baseline assessment Students mind-map around the word ‘consent’.

Parallel lines- In parallel lines, students practise asking for and giving/not giving consent as they approach one another.

Non-verbal cues -Students suggest verbal and non-verbal cues that someone is consenting or not consenting.

A consent conversation-Share a brief overheard conversation with students and ask them to discussÌý

or write responses to key questions.

Students complete sentence starters demonstrating their understanding of consent.Ìý

Students revisit unit baseline. Remind students of support available

Grooming and child sexual exploitation

To understand healthy and unhealthy relationshipsÌýÌý

To understand the different relationship communication styles

To understand what grooming and sexual exploitation is.

Relationships traffic lights-red flags we can see.

Understanding communication types and exploring the dangers of passive and aggressive behaviours.

Developing knowledge of consent and understanding signs of when it has or has not been given.

Grooming and the 4 stages-incorporating a video activity to check students understanding.

Real life case studies explored.

Signposting/advice/guidance and re-cap on online safety awareness.

Body imageÌý

To consider what affects how we view our bodies.

To learn how actors, obtain superhero bodies and understand the distortion this can create for others.

Mindmap and group discussion on the perception of ‘perfect’ where the images and views come from.

Group discussion to explore why are we talking about the topic of body image

Explore the question ‘is body image just an issue for girls?’ and look at evidence to answer this.

Reflect on what can influence your own body image and other peoples

Explore the reality of what’s behind an on-screen body.

Value continuum to share individual opinion’s and promote class discussion-such as ‘Does what you see on TV affect how you feel about your body?’

Explore what body positivity means and how this is promoted through social media and television today.

Signposting/support and time to ask anonymous questions.Ìý

Useful websites to help you discuss this topic with your child:

Relationship values

Reflecting on and articulate relationship valuesÌý

Identifying health and unhealthy relationship behaviours and suggest ways to respond

Baseline assessmentÌý

Introduce the lesson. Students work individually to respond to a relationship quandary.

Continuum line. Students place statements about values on a continuum line to indicate those they most agree or disagree with.

Red flags Students assess whether situations can be resolved with effective communication or whether the relationship should end.

Exiting a relationship-Students devise ways of starting conversations to end relationshipsÌý


Endpoint assessment andÌý

Signposting-Students RAG rate different relationship behaviours and suggest ways to manage concerning issues before reflecting individually on the questionsÌý

provided. Remind students of support available.

Relationship expectations

Justify views around expectations in relationships

Explain issues relating to the sharing of sexual images

Explain how the media can distort relationship expectations

Baseline assessment-Students indicate agreement or disagreement with a range of attitudinalÌý


‘Sending nudes’ Students focus on two scenarios to help them explore motivations to shareÌý

sexual images.

Gender expectations stereotypes-Students create a graffiti wall on gender expectation stereotypes andÌý

explain why these are unhelpful.

Endpoint assessment and signposting

Students give advice to a ‘friend’ in a dilemma. Remind students of support available

Gender and sexual orientation

Explain the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity.

Describe ways to support someone who has chosen to ‘come out’ about their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Baseline assessment-Students write a response to an overheard conversation about sexual orientation and gender identity.

Definitions Dominoes- Students match the dominoes. Check answers as a class by taking a domino in turn.

Video discussion Watch the film clip and consider how friends can support someone who is LGBT+.

Friend scenarios-Students consider the thoughts and feelings of the characters in a script at two different points and reflect on the implications if a friend discussed their sexuality or gender identity with them.

Private reflection Students reflect privately on questions based on today’s lesson.Ìý

Endpoint assessment and signposting

Students revisit the lesson baseline and add to/amend their responses to the overheard conversation.Ìý

Signpost to sources of support


Identify common assumptions relating to consent and explain why these are wrong

Explain the right to not give, or withdraw consent at any time and why this must be respected

Describe or demonstrate ways to avoid making assumptions related to consent, and strategies someone could use to not give or withdraw consent.

Baseline assessment- Students summarise their understanding of consent using a rap, poem, or short news bulletin.

Assumption Statements-Working in groups, students respond to statements which include an assumption about consent.

Assumptions and their consequences-Students respond to a storyboard focused on gendered assumptions and the consequences of these on behaviours and sexual encounters.

Advising others- Students write advice to two young people explaining how to withdraw consent.

Endpoint assessment and signposting

Students practise statements to withdraw or not give their consent. Revisit signposting.

Introduction to contraception

Describe what is meant by contraception

Explain how and why condoms are used

Explain how and why the contraceptive pill is used

Explain where to get contraception and support from.

Baseline assessment Students annotate images to show existing knowledge.

Matching exercise- Students match descriptions of four different contraceptive methods to their annotated images and add any additional information in a different colour.

Condom demonstration Condom demonstration with a ‘fill in the gaps’ activity to assess recall.

Talking heads Students read statements and list what they have learnt, what they’d like toÌý

know more about and what they already knew.

Endpoint assessment and signposting-Share detailed signposting on sources contraception and advice.Ìý

Students write advice to summarise key learning.

Child on child bullying and abuse

Define the term Peer on Peer abuse and understand what constitutes abuse

Explore circumstances when peer pressure becomes peer abuseÌý

Evaluate what support networks are available to help support those in need.

Baseline check and evaluation of previous learning.

Storyboard questioning of issues that could be happening in a young person’s life.

What makes a young person need help or support-group activity to explore ideas and look at who can help.

Issues of social media/peer pressure and what is peer abuse.

Video case studies to explore sexting and abuse in relationships-student highlight ‘red flags’ and discuss warning signs.

ÌýEndpoint assessment and signposting-Share detailed signposting on sources and advice.Ìý

Students write advice to summarise key learning.

Child sexual exploitation and grooming

Define child sexual exploitation and be able to give examplesÌý

Explore a variety of risks and dangers related to being online

Evaluate how to reduce the risks associated with being online.

Baseline check-storyboard questioning issues and discussing why we teach this topic.

What is CSE-group discussion on previous learning and clear definitions and laws explained.

Video case studies -T/F quiz.

Support and guidance that is needed.

Online safety graffiti wall-problems we can face and solutions we know.

Problem pages-who/what/how we can help.

Screen saver for CEOP competition to check understanding and recap on key learning.

Useful websites to help you discuss this topic with your child.

Review of learning from previous years

Confidently identifying the different myths and facts around sex and your bodies.

Helping others learn by expressing your views and opinions in class discussions.

Positive affirmation and reflections on our personal qualities.

Why we need RSE discussion and reflection on previous learning.

Value continuum looking at issues around body image social media, age of consent, gender inequality.

Team challenge-knowing our bodies and the facts not myths.

Focus on misconceptions, laws, sexual body parts.

Consolidating learning/opportunity to ask anonymous questions and signpost for support.


Explain what is meant by freedom and capacity to consentÌý

Recognise contexts where someone’s freedom or capacity to consent have been reduced or removed, and why this means consent has no longer been givenÌý

Explain why trying to make someone more vulnerable, or misleading them, is wrong, and can be a very serious offence

Explain where, why and how to get advice and support for issues relating to consent.

Group work to explore positive and negative relationships. Focus on a case study to explore ‘red flags’ support needed and how to access it.

Was consent given video- students vote and discuss their perceptions before the law and clear guidance is provided.

Consent battle- students work in groups to develop confidence on how to say/show ‘no’.

Highlight laws and our rights/responsibilities. Where to seek help and support.

Contraceptive choices

investigating examples of contraceptives.

Sharing with others how they are used effectively.

Helping yourself become a safer sex expert.

Baseline check in.

Students explore options available with teacher guidance and then move in to a marketplace research activity to further knowledge.

Videos from SEXWISE to bust myths around contraception and develop learning.

Support and information about unintended pregnancy and miscarriages-students will cover key facts, definitions and the laws.

Sexually transmitted infections and sexual healthÌý

The key symptoms and risks associated with a variety of different STI’s

Understanding what HIV is and how it can be transmitted

Understand the importance of sexual Health Clinics (GUM)

Explain why young people after unprotected sex should always get themselves checked out.

Students explore what they know and still need to know.

Explore stigma and myths around STIs, protection and treatment.

Focus on facts on HPV and ways to remain protected.

Marketplace/research task to develop STI flashcards.

Sexual health clinics-what they do/how they support.

Understanding HIV-focus on stigma/facts/myths/transmission and treatment.

Check in/signposting and assess progress

The male condom

Understanding the correct steps for using an external or male condom

Being able to describe three obstacles to condom use and explain how they can be overcome.

Baseline Assessment-Students match a set of statements about contraception and discuss key points as a class.

Contraceptive Methods-Students watch the clip about different contraceptive methods and note key information.

Contraception negotiation-Students suggest appropriate responses to common excuses for not using contraception. They then review two versions of a conversation about contraception use

Condom Demonstration-Teacher-led demonstration of the correct way to use a male condom (or video clip alternative).

Card match Students match cards to ensure understanding of condom demonstration.Ìý

Condom practical- Students practise using a condom with condom demonstrators. [Allow timeÌý

to tidy up and wash hands.]

Endpoint assessment and signposting-Students answer key questions to gauge understanding. They reflect on their standard response if asked to do something they are uncomfortable with and set a goal. Remind students of support available.

Pornography and the impactÌý

Explain in detail the distortions about sex and relationships in pornography.

Discuss the consequences this can have on young people’s self-esteem and their future relationships.

Students explore misconceptions of what is reality Vs what is created for entertainment.

Work in groups to look at real world relationships Vs fantasy and fake world. Students will share opinions on the laws, body image, gender roles and stereotypes. Discussions on misconceptions about healthy and safe relationships and self-esteem.

Update on the laws and recent facts-students will be signposted and given guidance on how to seek support

Revenge pornography-personal safety online

Identify what to do to prevent revenge porn and what to do if you become a victim

Describe the long- and short-term consequences of sharing intimate images with partners or friends

Explain, using new terminology in the correct context the legal, short and long-term consequences for perpetrators and victims.

Students will explore what they know about the term revenge porn and look at how this can happen to a person.

The lesson will explore a case study documentary lessonÌý

Students will reflect together on the lessons learned, the impact this can have on a victim and perpetrator.Ìý

Signposting/guidance and support provided.

Sexual harassment

Understand what sexual harassment is and consider the effects of harassment on everyone in societyÌý

To practice challenging harassment and consider the role of bystanders in this.

Key words and definitions activity-baseline of knowledge in the room.

Storyboard to reflect on the issues a young person may be facing in their lives.

Explore what is sexual harassment-in schools/work places/online and in society.

Is this harassment-value continuum activity.

ÌýGroup discussion-how we handle unwanted sexual attention-support and laws we need to know.

Explore through case studies-what these news stories have taught us and lessons to be learned for the future.

An overview of the ‘Me too’ campaign and the developments it has created.

A campaign to make a difference- students use their creativity and knowledge to create a display for schools to educate and inform others about reducing harassment and how to report any concerns.Ìý

Useful websites to help you discuss this topic with your child.

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